Japanese consumer electronics firm Akai has announced the launch of an Android-based digital media device, called the Smart Box. Priced at Rs. 6590, the Akai Smart Box works with all sorts of televisions, be it CRT, Plasma, LCD or LED, and allows users to use TV to browse Internet, play games and use Android apps.
The Akai Smart Box runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system and is powered by a 1.25GHz processor. The device comes with a wireless mouse for navigation. The Smart Box features 4GB internal storage, card slot that supports storage up to 32GB HDMI port, and 4xUSB2.0 Ports. Other features include built-in Wi-Fi, Ethernet port, AV port, 3G dongle and 2G network support, built-in IM such as Google Talk, Skype and Yahoo, social networking sites, YouTube video support, preloaded games, access to Android apps via Google Play store and DLNA support.
"Our Smart Box is set to change the way people watch television in India. TVs, irrespective of whether it's a colour TV or LCDs and LEDs, are compatible with the device and using Smart Box can be converted into a smart television," says Akai Managing Director Pranay Dhabhai in a release.
Akai's Smart Box will take on Amkette's Smart TV box called the EvoTV, which launched earlier this year. The Amkette EvoTV features a motion sensing remote control, which will not only control native functions of the smart TV, but apps as well, enabling users to play games, draw etc, with the six-axis gyroscope. It also boasts of Evo Discover, an internet content discovery tool. Read more about the Amkette EvoTV here.
Portronics has also launched a similar device, called Limebox. Priced at Rs. 8,499, the Portronics Limebox features 4GB of built-in storage space, and supports wireless keyboards and mice, apart from SD cards and USB pen drive. To know more about the the Portronics Limebox media box, read our previous coverage.
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