Friday, 28 December 2012

Job listing at Apple hints at inclusion of AMD Radeon GPUs in future Macs

According to a job listing on Apple’s website, it would seem that the Cupertino company might be soon looking to once again branch beyond Nvidia for its graphics solution.
Job listing at Apple hints at inclusion of AMD Radeon GPUs in future Macs

The job posting lists Apple as looking for an electrical engineer to work on its Mac Desktop Systems Engineering Team. The key requirements list experience with Intel chips essential, along with a proficiency with AMD/Nvidia GPUs. Given that the new iMacs use Nvidia GeForce GT650M or the GTX 680MX, one can only wonder what Apple’s going to come out with next with an AMD Radeon graphics chip.
Could Apple be switching to the AMD Radeon lineup entirely or is it only for something specific. We could speculate that given that the Mac Pro desktop lineup is overdue for a refresh, the job listing is geared towards getting someone on board to further develop the line of Mac Pros.
It could also be that Apple may be considering replacing the Nvidia chips with those of AMD, or giving consumers the option to choose between AMD and Nvidia graphics when they purchase their machines, or even in the form of upgrade kits. As of now, all we can do is speculate what the job opening is actually going to mean for the future of Apple products and consequently for the consumers.
Source: ZDNet


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