VIZIO has announced its Windows 8-based PCs for the upcoming holiday season. The VIZIO All-in-One Touch PC will come in a 24-inch and 27-inch model with a full HD 1080p Touchscreen display. In addition to the All-in-One desktops, VIZIO will be introducing its 14-inch and 15.6-inch Thin + Light Ultrabook as well as its 15.6-inch Notebook. VIZIO promises users that its latest PC additions will give users "…optimal performance in a beautifully designed, premium PC."
The new line of VIZIO PCs will be optimized for Windows 8, with the ultrabook and notebook both utilizing a multi-gesture touchpad that mimics the touchscreen capabilities of the All-in-One Touch PC. Vizio stated that its latest PC additions will make use of the company's experience with HDTV, offering full HD displays with NVIDIA Kepler-Class GeForce GPU, which will boast high quality graphics and wider viewing angles. This new line of VIZIO PCs will come equipped with Microsoft's Signature which ensures the laptops come bloatware-free allowing for optimal performance.
VIZIO is promoting its latest PC additions as offering a user-friendly experience with great performance and graphics. The latest VIZIO All-in-One Touch PCs will start at $998, the Thin + Light Ultrabooks will start at $849, and the 15.6-inch Notebook will start at $1,129; pre-orders start October 12th.
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