Cooler Master today announced the India-launch of its entry-level gaming chassis, the K380. Positioned as an “entry-level” gaming case, this mid-tower draws its design lineage from the popular HAF series from Cooler Master. The case comes in full matte black finish and black interiors as well. As with most gaming cabinets today, this one too has a transparent side-panel window to facilitate some innards appreciation sessions.
As for cooling the case can be installed with up to four fans, but comes with only one 120mm red LED fan located behind the front panel. The K380 claims to have enough space to fit large graphics cards such as the AMD HD 7990 and Nvidia GTX 690. In terms of expansion slots, you have 6 HDD slots (only three of which are tool less) and three 5.25-inch bays. The front features a steel mesh panel and just one USB 3.0 port at the top.
The Cooler Master K380 is priced at an MRP of Rs. 4,399 and carries one year warranty. The product is available ex-stock and will be distributed by Acro Engineering Company across India.
As for performance, you’ll have to wait for our detailed review once we get this case into our test center. Stay tuned for updates.
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