Friday, 21 December 2012

Distimo: Google and Apple app stores still growing quickly

App analytics firm Distimo has published its latest report that shows Google Play is growing rapidly, while the Apple App store still beats it in terms of revenues.
Distimo: Google and Apple app stores still growing quickly
App analytics firm Distimo has published its latest report, looking at how the popular application stores grew in 2012, with the focus on Google Play and Apple’s App Store. According to the report, Google’s Play Store is growing rapidly, while the Apple App Store still is significantly ahead in terms of revenues.
Google Play registered a daily revenue growth of 43 percent across 20 of the largest countries where the store is available, over the last four months. Daily revenue for the Apple iTunes App Store, meanwhile, grew 21 percent in the same period. However, over the whole year, the Apple App Store revenues grew 51%. Distimo is collecting data from the following 20 countries: Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US.
To be precise, the iTunes App Store with US$15 million in average daily revenue by the end of November 2012 is a long way ahead of Google Play, which stands at US$3.5 million.
The report is freely available to download, but just to make your job easier; we have some important excerpts from the report that make for interesting reading.
• Google Play showed tremendous growth during the past four months, with an aggregated growth in daily revenue of 43% across 20 of the largest countries, while the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad grew by 21% in daily revenue in the same period.
• Draw Something, one of the best-known apps of 2012, reached 1M users in 9 days, however Distimo has found it is possible to gain 1M users even faster. Naver, one of the most successful Asian publishers, launched five applications at the end of November 2012, and all five quickly became the most popular applications in many Asian countries. We estimated Line Pop, the most popular of the five, to have generated 1.75M downloads within 72 hours.
• Looking at the worldwide download volumes, the app store opportunity is large. On a typical day in November 2012, the revenues in the Apple App Store exceeded $15M USD, while in Google Play the revenues are just below $3.5M USD in 20 of the largest countries in both app stores.
• Seven applications were responsible for 10% of the revenues in November 2012 in the Apple App Store for iPhone, which is significantly lower number of applications than in January 2012. Moreover, in the Apple App Store for iPad, six applications were responsible for 10% of the revenues, while in Google Play this figure was four.
• The country with the highest tablet proclivity is Russia, where 46% of all iOS downloads are on the iPad. Other iPad savvy countries are The Netherlands and Finland with 38% and 35%, respectively. Japan is the country with the least tablet proclivity, as only 7% of all iOS downloads are iPad apps. The iPad revenues are already higher than the iPhone revenues in some countries when looking at revenues, e.g. Russia.
• The proportion of revenue that derived from in-apps increased from 53% to 69% in 2012. However, in 2012 there were still some publishers who were very successful with a paid-only strategy. Moreover, 35% of the revenue from the top 10 publishers was derived from one-off fees in 2012.
Source: Distimo


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