Sunday, 23 December 2012

Users report battery issues with iOS 6.0.2; Wi-Fi issues continue for some

Apple iOS 6.0.2 was released after the previous update failed to fix the Wi-Fi issue, but it looks like the new update does more harm than good.
Users report battery issues with iOS 6.0.2; Wi-Fi issues continue for some

Users of the iPhone 5 and iPad mini are reporting that after updating to the recently released iOS 6.0.2, the batteries on their devices are not lasting as long as they should. Unfortunately, this is not a new issue. Every time Apple has pushed out an update for iOS, hordes of iOS device users have complained about their batteries draining much faster than normal.
Normally, poor battery performance would be ascribed to the device being old, but given that the iPhone 5 and iPad mini are fairly new, it’s unlikely that their batteries have gone through any exhaustion. The iOS 6.0.2 update was released to fix a Wi-Fi issue plaguing the two devices that was supposed to be fixed with the earlier iOS 6.0.1 update, but it didn’t fix the issue for everyone.
That update 6.0.2 still hasn’t fixed the Wi-Fi issue for everyone is evident, as throngs of users are still taking to the Apple Support forums with complaints about the issue persisting. The problem arises when a WPS2 encrypted Wi-Fi network comes into play as the iPhone 5 and the iPad mini have been unable to connect to such networks. Subsequent updates have attempted to fix this particular issue, along with a few others like horizontal lines across the keyboard or a non-responsive flash and while many have been fixed, the battery drain issue has cropped up once again and the Wi-Fi problem continues to persist.
Many have maintained that Apple had rushed the release of iOS 6, the final version of which came out only after three betas and one Gold Master. iOS 5 on the other hand was released after seven betas and one Gold Master. If you’re part of the unlucky few who’s experiencing Wi-Fi or battery issues, Apple is reportedly working on a fix.


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